Curated Activities for You
We’ve created this site and curated experiences and suggested itineraries for you based on what your own travel values and interests are.
Have some fun and take our Explorer Quotient (EQ) Profile Quiz! Answering the 20 quiz questions here will allow you to discover what is of most importance to you when you travel.

Authentic Experiencer
Explorer Type A
In the world of explorers, you are an Authentic Experiencer. With a foot in both worlds, you appreciate the understated beauty of natural and cultural environments.
You enjoy using all of your senses when you explore and really get to know the places you visit. You quickly adapt to personal challenges and risks, easily figuring out how to make the most of every situation.
You want to be fully immersed in your travel experience and tend to stay away from group tours and rigid plans. You are spontaneous, discrete, ethical, eco-conscious, independent, open-minded and curious.
You’re most likely to be seen at parks, nature reserves, world heritage sites, hiking trails, museums, home-stays and campsites.

Cultural Explorer
Explorer Type B
In the world of explorers, you are a Cultural Explorer. You seek constant opportunities to embrace, discover and immerse yourself in the entire experience of the culture, people and settings of the places you visit.
Not content to just visit historic sites and watch from the sidelines, you want to participate in the modern day culture as well.
You often attempt to converse with locals, attend local festivals, or go off the beaten path to discover how people truly live. You are positive, open-minded, curious, a risk-taker, flexible, easy-going, energetic and creative.
You’re most likely to be seen at heritage sites, cultural events, museums, festivals, B&Bs and hostels.

Free Spirit
Explorer Type C
In the world of explorers, you are a Free Spirit. Something of a thrill-seeking hedonist, travel satisfies your insatiable need for the exciting and the exotic.
You like the best of everything and want to be surrounded by others who feel the same way.
You have a lot of energy and want to see and do everything. It all adds to the fun! Young, or young-at-heart, you travel for the thrill and emotional charge of doing things. You just can’t stay at home. Why would you?
You are open-minded, ambitious, enthusiastic, fun-loving, adventurous, curious and social. You’re most likely to be seen at luxury hotels, tourism hot spots, top restaurants, night clubs and group tours.

Gentle Explorer
Explorer Type D
In the world of explorers, you are a Gentle Explorer. You like returning to past destination and enjoy the security of familiar surroundings.
You seek the most comfortable places when you get away and avoid the unknown.
Well-organized travel packages and guided tours that take care of all the details appeal to you – travel should be fun, not extra work! And if it’s fun, chances are you’ll be back.
You are conservative, reliable, traditional, solitary, selective, discriminating and fun-loving. You’re most likely to be seen at branded hotels, enjoying the hotel pool, spa, cottage, on an organized tour, attending main attractions and golfing or fishing.

Explorer Type E
In the world of explorers, you are a Rejuvenator. For you, travel is a chance to totally disconnect and just get away from it all. All you want to do is rest, recharge and renew.
You usually take short vacations to familiar places, often for family visits and celebrations.
While you might seek out destinations with a few interesting things to see and do, you don’t want an overly hectic schedule of events. After all, travel is meant to be relaxing, not extra work!
You are family-oriented, traditional, ambitious, impulsive, relaxed, discriminating and social. You’re most likely seen at family resorts, the cottage, spas, hotel restaurants, casinos, on the golf course, at tourist hot spots and on organized tours.

Cultural History Buff
Explorer Type F
In the world of explorers, you are a Cultural History Buff. You strive to go beyond your own root to understand the history and culture of others.
When you travel, you are likely pursuing a personal interest or hobby, making the experience more rewarding.
Travelling alone or in small groups, you see the freedom to observe, absorb and learn at your own pace, unhurried by others or driven by rigid schedules.
You are idealistic, positive, open-minded, independent, detailed, curious, progressive and considerate. You’re most likely seen at B&Bs, museums, galleries, heritage sites, festivals and dining with the locals.

No Hassle Traveller
Explorer Type G
In the world of explorers, you are a No Hassle Traveller. As a bit of an escapist, you search for relaxation and simplicity.
You favour worry-free travel and spending time with family and friends. Short breaks and getaways are preferred to long distance travel. Things rarely planned in advance; when you want to visit family and friends, you just go.
Along the way, you hope to see and expose your travel companions to the beauty of the natural scenery and different cultures. You are flexible, rational, spiritual, careful, energetic, open-minded and a discriminating consumer.
You’re most likely found at festivals, theatres, museums, parks, on group tours, hiking, fishing, golfing — generally enjoying the outdoors.

Personal History Explorer
Explorer Type H
In the world of explorers, you are a Personal History Explorer. You travel to gain a deeper understanding of your ancestry and heritage.
Your travel tends to be a shared experience, both during and after the trip.
You feel safer when you stay at branded hotels and like to travel in style, comfort and security. You like to visit all of the important landmarks, so a carefully planned schedule, often as a part of a group tour, ensures experiences of a lifetime.
You are confirming, traditional, ambitious, aspiring, anxious, social and family-oriented. You’re most likely seen at luxury hotels, top restaurants, main attractions, shopping, on organized group tours and in museums or galleries.

Virtual Traveller
Explorer Type I
In the world of explorers, you are a Virtual Traveller. Tending not to travel very often, you prefer the comforts of home to the uncertainties of new places and cultural differences.
Often very active locally, you usually find enough to satisfy your sense of exploration within your community.
Rather than being restricted to the confines of pre-packaged tours, you prefer the flexibility of being able to decide what you want or don’t want to do on your own. Your trips tend to be shorter, closer to home and centred on family events.
You are community-minded, traditional, cautious, practical and modest. You’re most likely seen at motels, family events, cottages and casinos.